Private Groups

– Family link phones
– GPS tracker and alerts
– multiple built-in phone sensors

New High-Security Team app

For family, for business…

Create daily tasks to help organise the people you care for.

Lets you see when they do it or if they forget.

Organise your teamwith daily tasks

Lets you track progress

Helps you to look after your group

Lets you know when she leaves school and arrives back home

See everyone in your private group

Receive live notifications throughout the day – helps people to look after and safeguard each other

Helps keep a family safe and together

The only app that gives you automatic family news using multiple built-in phone sensors

App lets you know if a love one’s phone stops

Help express feelings with special emojis

Create custom lists for care needs, work activities and more…

‘Tap’ to show people where you are heading “Next Destination”– the app can send notifications when you start the journey and if you are late.

Professional GPS

  • Alert if no GPS signal
  • Alert if low battery
  • Alert if phone off

Panic SOS button

  • App gives you SatNav to go to them

Daily Routine

Take your medicine reminder

Helps to organise your family and care group

Safely share a list of phone numbers, webpages, places…

Automatically synchronised to stay up-to-date

Maximum Privacy

App doesn’t need your name, email, telephone number.
App has no social media hooks, no cookies.

Private Groups

Ask people to download the app and join you